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The Definitive EMS Airway Course
- Learn the full range of airway management techniques — including use of extraglottic devices,
- medication-assisted intubation, video laryngoscopy & other advanced imaging devices, and cricothyrotomy.
- Work with experienced faculty who know the unique challenges facing EMS providers.
- Use all of the airway devices in small group sessions.
- Practice decision making and airway techniques in Code AirwayTM stations.
- Face the most challenging patient scenarios in a no-risk environment. These include elevated ICP,
- pulmonary edema, status asthmaticus, foreign body in the airway, direct airway trauma, multiple trauma
- with shock, and many more.
Didactic and hands-on training in crucial airway topics:
- Difficult and failed airway management
- Video laryngoscopy and other advanced imaging devices
- Medication-assisted intubation (including RSI and RSA)
- Pediatric airway management
- Endotracheal tube introducers (bougie)
- Surgical cricothyrotomy
- Extraglottic devices
- Capnography
- Ventilator management
- CPAP and BiPAP
- Digital and nasal intubation